What We Do


Emotional intelligence is a critical skill: it gives us the ability to identify, understand and manage our emotions, and to have empathy for others. At Emotion Wise, we help foster emotional intelligence in children and young people. Children that have emotional intelligence are more likely to cultivate positive relationships, communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, overcome difficult situations and manage stress.

At Emotion Wise, we believe that each child is unique, and therefore deliver our innovative emotional intelligence programs to best suit your needs. We assist parents, carers and professionals who work with children and their families in developing children’s ability to identify, understand and manage emotions. With this aim in mind, we offer a range of programs.

Programs for Parents & Carers

Every parent and carer wants to be the best person they can be for their child. At Emotion Wise, we support parents and foster carers by providing them with the information and tools to help build a child’s emotional intelligence. We offer two six-week parenting programs – Tuning in to Kids™ and Tuning in to Teens™.

Through these programs, parents and carers can learn to:

  • Understand the importance of emotional intelligence
  • Regulate and develop awareness of their own emotions
  • Recognise, respond to and validate children’s and young people’s feelings
  • Use appropriate skills to assist children and young people in verbally labelling and managing their emotions
  • Guide children and young people’s behaviours with appropriate limits, and assist in problem solving with them

We also offer a six-week program for foster carers and kith and kin carers, focusing on the complex needs of kids who have experienced trauma. This course is based on the key principles of the Tuning in to Kids™ and Tuning in to Teens™ programs.

Parenting forums

Emotion Wise offers parenting forums, which can be organised through your council or organisation.

Home Visits and Tailored Consultancy

For parents and carers who prefer more individualised support, we also offer home visits and tailored consultancy to assist with your family’s particular needs.

Programs for Professionals, Corporate & Community Service Workers

At Emotion Wise, we have developed and presented seminars for a variety of audiences, including parenting forums, educators and community service organisations.

We deliver 1.5 hour Emotional Intelligence Seminars for professionals working with children and/or families. Our programs aim to provide participants with the five steps of emotion coaching and introduce the tools required to help foster emotional intelligence in children and young people.

Emotion Wise can develop programs, seminars and workshops to meet the specific needs of your organisation and team.

Programs for Educators

We deliver an Emotionally Intelligent Educator seminar for childcare workers, teachers and educational organisations. At Emotion Wise, we understand that the way we respond to children’s emotions is important, both at home and within educational environments. Children and young people learn from significant adults in their lives. This includes their caregivers and teachers.

Our 1.5 hour presentation introduces educators to the key principles of emotion coaching and its effectiveness for young children. These skills and techniques can be modified through the teen years and beyond. This seminar assists educators working with children and young people to be more emotionally tuned in and mindful in understanding feelings and behaviours.

We also provide tailored consultancy and supervision for teachers and educators.

Programs for Children

Emotion Wise offers a six-week Early Intervention Program for Children, which aims to help children with emotional and behavioural problems. This program is tailored to primary-school students and helps them to better manage their emotions and behaviours while promoting resilience. It aims to enhance interpersonal and social skills in small groups, in order to improve peer relationships and general social confidence.

Emotion Wise continually develops new programs to meet the needs of families and professionals across the community.